Each week we produce material connected with the Sunday Sermon for people to work through in their Life Groups or on their own or with a friend. We hope that this material will help people to engage with what God is teaching us even more and help us to grow as followers of Jesus. The material can be downloaded as PDF files by clicking on the links below or found on the weekly church mailing.
What Does Faith Look Like? (James)
Following the Way of Jesus
Week 1 (All Saints) – Jesus Calls (Luke 5:1-11): Week 1 Jesus calls(St Andrew’s) or Week 1 All Saints version Jesus Calls
Week 2: Jesus Heals (Luke 5:12-26): Week 2 Jesus Heals
Week 3: Jesus’ Upside Down Kingdom (Luke 6:17-26) Session 3 Jesus Upside Down Kingdom
Week 4: Jesus’ radical way of life (Luke 6:27-36): Session 4 Jesus radical way of living Luke 6 27-36
Who am I? Our identity in Christ
Week 1: Session 1 Our identity in Christ
Week 2: Session 2 I am Loved
Week 3: Session 3 I am Chosen
Week 4: Session 4 I am Blameless
Week 5: Session 5 I am God’s Masterpiece
Week 6: Session 6 I am a Light in the World
APCM 2024 Follow up Life Group Material: Life Group Follow up to the APCMs
Living our Values… Growing our Culture
Throughout this series we will be working through one of our Chase Team values each week and thinking what it means to live that out both as individuals and as churches.
Week 1: Generous Hearts
Week 2: Anchored in Scripture
Week 3: Rooted in prayer An extra podcast to listen to can be found here.
Week 4: Led by the Spirit
Week 5: Pursuing Christlikeness
Week 6: Welcoming arms
Week 7: missional mindset
Triumph in Trials (2 Corinthians)
Our series is entitled ‘Triumph in Trials’ as we focus on the first seven chapters of 2 Corinthians. We will be particularly considering how Paul faces challenges and leads from weakness and brokenness. Thiselton in his commentary says ‘in 2 Corinthians we see Paul bare his soul. He allows us to see his inner self in turmoil…’ and in doing so he models to us a different style of leadership – a cross-shaped style of leadership.
You can view an excellent overview video of 2 Corinthians from the Bible Project here.
Session 1: 2 Corinthians 1: 1-11 Comfort in Troubles
Session 2: 2 Corinthians 1: 12-24 Stand Firm
Session 3: 2 Corinthians 2: 1-11 Costly Reconciliation
Session 4: 2 Corinthians 2 12 3 6 Our competence and aroma
Session 5: 2 Corinthians 3 7 18 Be Transformed
Session 6: 2 Corinthians 4 1 12 Treasure in clay jars
Also here are the Lent Daily Prayer 2024 which we are encouraging everyone to use: Lent Daily Prayer 2024
Session 7: 2 Corinthians 4 13 5 10 Our Eternal Glory
Session 8: 2 Corinthians 5 11 6 2 Christ’s Ambassadors
Session 9: 2 Corinthians 6 3 to 7 1 Persevere and be holy
Session 10: 2 Corinthians 7 2 to 7 16 Godly Repentance
Lessons from David
In this series, we will be taking a closer look at the life, faith and heart of David. From Shephard boy in his youth to King of Israel; he is the ancestor of Jesus who is addressed as the ‘son of David’. David’s story is more than just an ancient narrative; it is a mirror through which we can reflect on our own lives. We will discover valuable lessons about faith, forgiveness, leadership, and the nature of our relationship with our Creator.
22/10/23 Week 1: David’s Heart
29/10/23 Week 2: David’s Faith
05/11/23 Week 3: David’s Loyalty
PDF – Week 3 – David’s Loyalty
10/11/23 Week 4: David’s Remorse
PDF – Week 4 – David’s Remorse
17/11/23 Week 5 – David’s Friendship
PDF Week 5 – David’s Friendship
26/11/23 Week 6 – David’s Worship
A final thought on the David series from Heather: It’s been a challenge and a privilege to write the study notes for this series, as well as preaching or leading on several of the topics. What rich veins of human and spiritual experience we’ve tapped into. As I finished speaking about David’s worship, my overwhelming conclusion was that the whole Christian church across the world and through the centuries owes him an immeasurable debt of gratitude for the 75 Psalms attributed to him, a window into his soul and our souls, and into the heart of God.
Questions Jesus Asked (September 2023)
In using questions to stimulate a thoughtful response, Jesus was following in the tradition of Jewish Rabbis and Greek philosophers. In fact, Jesus is recorded as asking 307 questions in the Gospels. In contrast, he directly answers only three of the 183 questions he is asked. Just three. And on at least one occasion he does not know the answer to a question addressed to him (Mark 13:4a and 32). Jesus asks questions that can be easily answered (Matthew 5:13) and questions with no obvious answer (Luke 18:19). And he answers questions with questions of his own, either to drive home a point (Luke 7:42) or to expose duplicity (Mark 12:14–15), or to get people thinking.
It can be tempting for Christians to spend time attempting to give answers, even to questions no one is asking. In all of this, we can remain deaf to what’s actually going on around us. But Jesus’ approach is radically different. In inviting all and sundry to live in God’s kingdom, Jesus is acutely aware of what’s going on around him, and he asks questions accordingly. Jesus uses questions to confer dignity on people, initiate conversation, and lead people to a deeper knowledge – of God, the world, others, and self. In doing so, Jesus opens up the possibility of a new world for those with eyes to see.”
03/09/23 Week 1: Who do you say I am?
PDF – Week 1 Who do you say I am?
10/09/23 Week 2: Who touched my clothes?
17/09/23 Week 3: Has no one condemned you?
PDF – Week 3 Has no one condemned you?
24/09/23 Harvest
01/10/23 Week 4: Why do you worry?
PDF – Week 4 Why Do You Worry?
08/10/23 Week 5: What good is it to gain the whole world but loose your soul?
PDF – Week 5 What good is it to gain the whole world but lose your soul?
15/10/23 Week 6: Do you love me?
Colossians – Living the Christ Centred Life (Summer 2023)
We’ll be exploring the book of Colossians during the Summer term in life groups.
An overview of Colossians, from the Bible Project, can be viewed here
Life group notes for this series can be downloaded here: Colossians Summer 2023 (we’re not producing individual questions, but encouraging Lectio or simple reflection each week on the passage).
The Lectio Course
We are so excited to be exploring hearing God’s voice in our communities this term. Lectio divina is an ancient
spiritual practice – a prayerful way of reading the Bible that allows for God to speak to us through scripture in powerful ways. The Lectio Course is a 5-part series where Pete Greig, from 24-7 Prayer, will help us to explore lectio divina and incorporate it into our life of prayer. Each session is a 15-minute video, which we’ll watch together, and then we’ll engage with the material using the course discussion guides. Each session episode is led by Pete Greig and features an interview with a special guest.
Watch the Lectio Course trailer here.
Session 1: Introducing Lectio Divina
Video here: Introducing Lectio Divina – 24-7 Prayer International
PDF Discussion Guide here: the-lectio-course-study-guide-e01.pdf (24-7prayer.com)
Session 2: Hearing God in the Bible
Video Session 2: Read: Hearing God in the Bible – 24-7 Prayer International
PDF Discussion Guide Session 2: the-lectio-course-study-guide-e02.pdf (24-7prayer.com)
Session 3: Meditate – Hearing the Holy Spirit in our thoughts
Video Session 3: Meditate: Hearing the Holy Spirit in our thoughts – 24-7 Prayer International
PDF Discussion Guide session 3: the-lectio-course-study-guide-e03.pdf (24-7prayer.com)
Session 4: Responding to God in prayer and Prophecy
Video Session 4: Pray: Responding to God in prayer and prophecy – 24-7 Prayer International
PDF Discussion Guide Session 4: the-lectio-course-study-guide-e04.pdf (24-7prayer.com)
Session 5: Contemplate – Hearing God in the Whole World
Video Session 5: Contemplate: Hearing God in the whole world – 24-7 Prayer International
PDF Discussion Guide Session 5: the-lectio-course-study-guide-e05.pdf (24-7prayer.com)
We Are The Church
This series is to help us reflect and refocus on what church is all about and what we are called to be as members of God’s church. We’ll be looking at different aspects of church over the coming weeks (we’ll not be able to cover everything!).
Sermons linking to the series can be found here.
08/01/2023 Session 1 – Devoted Worshippers
15/01/2023 (SA) 22/01/23 (AS) – Session 2 (SA) Session 3 (AS) – Whole Life Disciples Part 1: Jesus Followers
22/01/23 (SA) 29/01/23 (AS) – Session 3 (SA) Session 4 (AS) – Whole Life Disciples Part 2: Salt and Light
29/01/23 (SA) 15/01/23 (AS) – Session 4 (SA) Session 2 (AS) – Loving Family
05/02/23 Session 5 – Transformed by Grace
12/02/23 Session 6 – People of Prayer
19/02/23 Session 7 – Passing on the Baton
During Advent we are going to be focussing on ‘waiting on God’ and reflect particularly on the verses that we will be using as a focus each week in our Advent Prayer, rather than the sermons topics. Over these sessions we encourage you not to spend too much time discussing and answering questions but to leave plenty of time for practising ‘waiting’ together and giving space for God to encounter us.
27/11/2022 – Life Group Notes Advent Waiting – Week 1
04/12/2022 – Life Group Notes Advent Waiting – Week 2
11/12/2022 – Life Group Notes Advent Waiting – Week 3
Praying the Psalms
We’ll be looking at different types of psalms and thinking particularly about how we can use these psalms to pray in different seasons. As we dwell in the powerful, honest, raw words of the psalmists and hear their cries to God, let us pray that we will be transformed and encounter God deeply.
“When we pray the psalms by the empowering and transforming presence of the Holy Spirit, we pray not just who we actually are but also who we can be and shall be by grace.” (W. David O. Taylor)
30/10/2022 Praise at all times… Psalm 34 – LIFE GROUP NOTES ON PSALM 34
06/11/2022 Rest in weary times… Psalm 62 LIFE GROUP NOTES ON PSALM 62 [version 2]
13/11/2022 Strength in troubled times… Psalm 46 – LIFE GROUP NOTES ON PSALM 46
20/11/2022 Joy in thankful times… Psalm 30 – LIFE GROUP NOTES ON PSALM 30
I AM Sayings of Jesus (John’s Gospel)
In this series we look at the 7 I AM statments of Jesus. An overview of the series for life group leaders can be found here: I AM Series – Notes for Life Group Leaders.
For each session you are encouraged to use the ‘Who is Jesus & Who am I‘ sheet
Session 1 (4th September): I AM the Bread of Life can be found here: Session 1: I am the Bread of Life
Session 2 (11th September): ‘I AM the Light of the World’ can be found here: Session 2: I am the Light of the World
Session 3 (18th September): ‘I AM the Gate’ can be found here: Session 3: I am the Gate
Session 4 (25th September): ‘I AM the Good Shepherd’ can be found here: Session 4: I am the Good Shepherd
Session 5 (1st or 8th October): ‘I AM the Resurrection and the Life’ can be found here: Session 5: I am the Resurrection and the Life
Session 5a (1st or 8th October): ‘I AM….’ additional set of notes for Harvest week can be found here: Session 5a: I am….
Session 6 (15th October): ‘I AM the Way the Truth and the Life’ can be found here: Session 6: I am the Way the Truth and the Life
Session 7 (23rd October): ‘I AM the Vine’ can be found here: Session 7: I am the Vine
Heavenly Encounters (Summer 2022)
Over the summer we are looking at different stories where people have had ‘heavenly encounters.’ The outline of the series, with some basic general questions for life groups and individuals can be viewed here: STUDY NOTES ON HEAVENLY ENCOUNTERS.
Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit: Growing in Christlikeness
For an overview of the series click here: Overview of Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit Series
Week 1 (7th May) Cultivating the Fruit of the Spirit: Life Group material session 1- Growing in Christlikeness
Video for Week 1: Why is Christlikeness important? Click here (just up to 10:26)
Week 2 (15th May) Living in LOVE: Life Group material Session 2 Living in Love
Video for Week 2: 9-a-day Love Click here (From 10:26 to the end)
Week 3 (22nd May) Abounding in JOY: Life Group Material Session 3 Abounding in Joy
Video for Week 3: 9-a-day Joy Click here
Week 4 (29th May) Pursuing PEACE: Life Group Material Session 4 Pursuing PEACE
Video for Week 4: 9-a-day Peace Click here
Week 5 (12th June) People of PATIENCE:Session 5 People of PATIENCE
Video for Week 5: 9-a-day Patience Click here
Week 6 (19th June) Radiating KINDNESS: Session 6 Radiating KINDNESS
Video for Week 6: 9-a-day Kindness Click here
Week 7 (26th June) Demonstrating GOODNESS Session 7 Demonstrating GOODNESS
Video for week 7: 9-a-day Goodness Click here
Week 8 (3rd July) A life of FAITHFULNESS Session 8 A life of FAITHFULNESS
Video for week 8: 9-a-day Goodness Click here
Week 9 (10th July) Growing in GENTLENESS Session 9 Growing in GENTLENESS
Video for week 9: 9-a-day Gentleness Click here
Week 10 (17th July) Practising SELF CONTROL Session 10 Practising SELF CONTROL
Video for week 10: 9-a-day Gentleness Click here
World Mission Sunday
Some questions from our services on 1st May for life groups: Life Group Notes this week World Mission
Living the way of Jesus – Mark’s Gospel (the overview of the series can be found here: Sermon Series Outline January – April 2022).
You might like to use the individual reading plan in your devotional times to guide your reading alongside our sermon series. You can download it here: A reading plan for Mark
Jan 2nd – Announcing a revolution: Mark 1 Announcing Revolution 2 Jauary 2022
Jan 9th – A life of Forgiveness: Mark 2 1 12 A life of forgiveness 9 Jan 2022
Jan 16th – Following Jesus: Mark 3 Following Jesus 16 Jan 2022
Jan 21st Parables of the Kingdom: Mark 4 Parables 21 Jan 2022
Jan 30th – Demonstrating Authority: Mark 4 Demonstrating Authority 30 Jan 2022
Feb 6th – Trading fear for faith – Mark 5 Trading Fead for Faith 6 Feb 2022
Feb 13th Opposition mounts – Mark 6 Opposition Mounts 13 February 2022
Feb 20th Amazing Compassion – Notes Mark 6 Amazing Compassion 20 February 2022
Feb 27th The Heart of the Matter – Notes Mark 7 The Heart of the Matter February 2022
March 6th Revealing Identity – Notes Mark 8 Revealing Identity 06 March 2022
March 13th faith gets difficult – Notes Mark 9 Faith Gets Difficult 13 March 2022
March 20th Welcome to the War – Notes Mark 9 30-50 Welcome to the War 20 March 2022
March 27th Changing allegiance – Notes Mark 10 Changing Allegiance March 2022
April 3rd Not What You Expect Notes Mark 10 32 52 Not What you Expect 03 April 2022
April 10th Jesus in Jerusalem Notes Mark 11 Jesus in Jerusalem April 2022
April 17th Invitation to Trust Notes Mark 15 Invitation to Trust 17 April 2022
Advent – Christ in the Carols
O Come all ye faithful (Luke 2:8-20): O Come all ye faithful (Luke 2:8-20)
Hark the Herald Angels Sing (Isaiah 9): Hark the Herald Angels Sing (Isaiah 9)
O Come O Come Emmanuel (Isaiah 40): O Come O Come Emmanuel (Isa40)
Advent Reflection (Advent week 1): Advent Meditation for Life Groups November 2021
Spirit Filled Worship (1 Corinthians 11-14)
Week 1: Sharing the Lord’s Supper (1 Corinthians 11: 17-34): Week 1: 1 Corinthians 11 Lords Super Life Group study notes
Week 2: Spirtitual Gifts for Worship (1 Corinthians 12:1-11): Week 2 1 Corinthians 12
Week 3: Playing your Part (1 Corinthians 12:13-31a): Week 3 Play your part
Week 4: One thing Remains (1 Corinthians 13): Week 4 1 Cor 13 and Heather’s handout form her sermon: Heather handout
Week 5: Prophecy, tongues and unbelievers (1 Corinthians 14:10-25) Week 5 Prophecy, tongues and unbelievers
Harvest Life Group Material – The KlongToey Beatitudes
On Harvest Sunday at St Andrew’s we’ll be having a video sermon from the Fletcher Family – our mission partners working in the slums of Bangkok. They have provided some excellent reflection material to go with that sermon which we encourage individuals and life groups to use to reflect further. You can download it here: The Beatitudes from the slums of Bangkok
More details about John and Elise’s work with Urban Neighbours of Hope can be found here.
Encountering the Heart of God (Working through the book ‘God has a Name’ by John Mark Comer – you can find a pdf copy of this book here)
Week 1 Encoutering God’s Heart (God has a Name chapter 1 – introduction)
Life Group Material: Week 1 Encountering the Heart of God (Exodus 34 and 1 Corinthians 2)
John Mark Comer’s Sermon can be viewed here.
Week 2 Gracious and Compassionate (God has a Name chapter 3)
Life Group Material – Week 2 Gracious and Compassionate (Exodus 34 and Luke 15:11-32)
John Mark Comer’s Sermon on ‘Ch 3 Gracious and Compassionate’ can be viewed here.
Week 3 Slow to Anger (God has a Name chapter 4)
Life Group Material – Week 3 – Slow to Anger
John Mark Comer’s Sermon on Ch 4 ‘Slow to Anger’ can be viewed here. And a great 5 minute video from the Bible Project on ‘Slow to Anger’ here.
Week 4: Abounding in love and faithfulness (God has a name chapter 5)
Life Group Material – Week 4 Abounding in Love and Faithfulness
John Mark’s Comer’s Sermon on Ch 5 ‘Abounding in Love and Faithfulness’ can be viewed here. And a great 5 minute video from the Bible Project on ‘loyal love’ here.
The text of Heather’s sermon can be found here: Sermon 23.9.21
Week 5: Forgiving and Just (God has a name chapter 6)
Life Group Material – Week 5 Forgiving and Just
John Mark’s Comer’s Sermon on Ch 6 ‘Forgiving and Just’ can be viewed here. And a great 5 minute video from the Bible Project which helps this week can be viewed here.
SHAPE COURSE – see here for all the materials
Promises of God (Summer 2021) – Summary of the series can be found here: God’s Promises Series
Session 1: The Promise of Blessing – The Promise of Blessing Life Group questions 25 April 2021
Session 2: The Promise of Rest: The promise of Rest Life Group questions 2 May 2021
Session 3: The Promise of Healing 1: The promise of Healing Life Group questions 9 May 2021
Session 4: The Promise of Healing 2: The promise of Healing Life Group questions 16 May 2021
Session 5: The Promise of the Spirit 1: The promise of The Spirit Life Group questions 23rd May 2021
Session 6: The Promise of the Spirit 2: The promise of The Spirit Life Group questions 30th May 2021
Session 7: The Promise of New Heaven and New Earth: The promise of New Earth and New Heaven 6th June 2021
Faith under Pressure (Lent 2021)
Session 1: Facing the Wilderness – Notes Lent Week 1 Wilderness Luke 4 21st February 2021
Session 2: Facing Failure – Notes Lent Week 2 Failure Mark 14 28th February 2021
Session 3: Facing Fear – Notes Lent Week 3 Fear Matthew 8 7th March 2021
Session 4: Facing Fatigue – Lent Week 4 Fatigue Luke 18 14th March 2021
Session 5: Facing the Future Notes Lent Week 5 The Future John 11 21st March 2021
Ezra: A story of Rebuilding (Spring 2021)
Ezra Session 1: Notes Ezra week 1: Haggai January 3rd 2021
Ezra Session 2: Notes Ezra week 2: Chaps 1-2 January 10th 2021
Ezra Sesson 3: Notes Ezra Week 3: Chapter 3 January 17th 2021
Ezra Session 4: Notes-Ezra-Week-4-Chaps-4-6-January 24th 2021
Ezra Session 5: Notes Ezra Week 5 Chaps 7-8 January 31st 2021
Ezra Session 6: Notes Ezra Week 6 Nehemiah Chaps 8-10 February 2021
Ezra Session 7: Notes Ezra Week 7 Chaps 9-10 February 14th 2021
The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (October-November 2020)
All materials for this can be found on a separate page on our website here
We are the Church: Learning to be God’s Kingdom People (September 2020)
Session 1: Acts 2:42-47 A people of Holy Habits (6th September) We are the Church Session 1
Session 2: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 A people compelled by Christ’s love (13th September) Session 2 a people compelled by Christ’s love
Session 3: Luke 10 25-38 A people of Extravagant Love (20th September) Session 3 A people of Extravagant love
Psalms (June 2020)
Psalm 27 (Sunday 28th June) Life Group questions – Psalm 27
Psalm 77 (Sunday 21st June) Life Group Reflections – Psalm 77
Psalm 103 Don’t forget to remember (Sunday 14th June) Psalm 103 Life Group material June 2020.docx
What are we here for? Vision Series (January 2020)
This series we will be looking at our church vision and discussing what it means for us.
Session 1 Encountering Jesus (week beginning January 5th)
Extra resources for session 1:
Bible Apps and i-Bible resources
30 Days Bible reading for New Christians
Encountering God in the Scriptures 30 suggested readings
Rhythm of Daily Prayer With Cycle of Daily Readings
Different ways to pray – a guide
Session 2 Growing Disciples (week beginning 12th January)
Discipleship Journey
Discipleship Survey
Reviewing your day & shuttering
Session 3 Passing on the baton (Week beginning 19th January)
Session 4 Seeing lives transformed and communities flourish (Week beginning 26th January)
Spirit Filled Church (Acts)
During this series, we are inviting groups to use the following questions to reflect on the passage from Acts that was preached that week: Questions to help us reflect on Scripture
The material discussed at Life Group Central can be found here: Life Group Central June 2019.pdf
Open to the Spirit – May & June 2019
The seven sessions are outlined below with session notes and a link to a YouTube video which is part of the session.
Open to the Spirit Session 1: Open to the Spirit session 1. Video session 1 click here
Open to the Spirit Session 2: Open to the Spirit session 2. Video session 2 click here
Open to the Spirit Session 3: Open to the Spirit session 3 (Transforming Spirit). Video session 3 click here
Open to the Spirit Session 4: Open to the Spirit session 4 (Intimate Spirit).Video session 4 click here
Open to the Spirit Session 5: Open to the Spirit session 5 (Empowering Spirit).Video Session 5 click here
Open to the Spirit Session 6: Open to the Spirit session 6. Video session 6 click here
Open to the Spirit Session 7: Open to the Spirit session 7. Video session 7 click here
Our God of Suffering and Rescuing
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 7th April 2019)
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 31st March 2019)
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 24th March 2019)
Our God who blesses by …
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 17th March 2019)
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 10th March 2019)
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 3rd March 2019)
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 24th February 2019)
Our God Who Breaks In
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 17th February 2019) – God with us
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 10th February 2019) – God Sent
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 3rd February 2019) – God Saw and Called
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 27th January 2019) – The Conversion of Paul
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 20th January 2019) – Isaiah 62: 1-5
Life Group Notes (Week beginning 13th January 2019) – Luke 3:15-17 and 21-22
Epiphany (Week beginning 6th January 2019) – Matthew 2:1-12 and John 1:1-18
Great Prayers of the Bible
Great Prayers of the Bible Session 1 (Week beginning 4th November 2018) – Hannah’s prayers of desperation and praise – 1 Samuel 1:1-20, 2:1-10
Great Prayers of the Bible Session 2 (Week beginning 11th November 2018) – Daniel’s prayer of interceding for a nation – Daniel 9
Great Prayers of the Bible Session 3 (Week beginning 18th November 2018) – Paul’s prayer for the believers – Ephesians 3
Living the Kingdom Way
Living the Kingdom Way Session 1 (Week beginning 9th September) Luke 4 14-30
Living the Kingdom Way Session 2 (Week beginning 16th September) Luke 5 1 -11
Living the Kingdom Way Session 3 (Week beginning 23rd September) Luke 5:17-26
Living the Kingdom Way Session 4 (Week beginning 30th September) Luke 22:24 -30
Living the Kingdom Way Session 5 (Week beginning 7th October) Luke 6:27-36
Living the Kingdom Way Session 6 (Week beginning 14th October) Luke 9:18-27
Living the Kingdom Way Session 7 (Week beginning 21st October) Luke 8:40-56
Living the Kingdom Way Session 8 (Week beginning 28th October) Luke 10:1-24