St Andrew’s Church Centre
St Andrew’s Church Centre consists of:
– The main Church
– The Church Hall
– Six Meeting Rooms of various sizes
all easily accessible from a central ground floor corridor and supported by common facilities including toilets, refreshment points, tables, chairs, etc. The Church Hall and Meetings Rooms are used throughout the week as a community facility. There is also a grassed outside events area accessed from the hall that can be used in good weather.
For information on venue hire please click here for further details.

Booking information:
Our current hire charges and booking information can be found by clicking here.
- The current schedule of bookings for the Church Centre can be viewed on-line by clicking here.
- All bookings are subject to our standard conditions of hire – click here . Note: If you are planning to do something unusual, you may also need to conduct a risk assessment.
- We require all groups with children, young people or vulnerable adults using or hiring the church centre to complete a Safeguarding Declaration that can be found by clicking here.
- Our Heath & Safety Policy can be viewed by clicking here.
- Accessibility information can be found by clicking here.
During February 2019 the church hall floor was replaced with a new wooden floor and the kitchen floor was also replaced. Details are available by by clicking here. The stage has been removed and replaced with a small raised platform; giving additional usable space on the hall floor.
If you are interested in booking a room, please contact us via e-mail or phone the church office on 01684 576582 (only open limited hours – but leave a message) and we’ll get back to you.